「私たち作曲家は美の創造者であり、美を守らなければなりません」作曲家インタビュー:コジモ・ボンバルディエーリ氏(Cosimo Bombardieri)

[English is below Japanese]


楽譜の一部はWind Band Pressと同じくONSAが運営しているGolden Hearts Publicationsから出版しています。


1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、作曲家としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?








2. あなたはいくつかの吹奏楽作品を発表しています。吹奏楽にどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?






3. 吹奏楽曲を作曲する際、特に注意していることや心がけていること、あるいはあなた独自のルールはありますか?




4. 作曲家として人生のターニングポイントとなった自身の作品があれば、その作品についてのエピソードを教えて下さい。(これは吹奏楽作品でなくても構いません)


時間との戦いでした。締め切りまであと1日しかないのに、まだ曲が完成していなかったことを今でも覚えています。そんな大変な仕事でしたが、その甲斐あって、私の作品「アンサンブルのためのミヌエ(Minue for Ensemble)」は、権威ある音楽祭で最優秀賞を受賞し、世界初演されました。




5-a. ご自身の作曲または編曲に強く影響を受けた他の作曲家や編曲家の作品があれば、それについてどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)




5-b. 上記とは別に、現代の作曲家で特に注目している作曲家がいれば理由と合わせて教えてください。




6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。




7. 日本の若い作曲家や作曲家を目指す日本の学生たちにアドバイスをお願いします。








まだ少ないですが、Golden Hearts Publicationsのボンバルディエーリさんの作品はこちらからご覧いただけます。


取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)


Interview with Cosimo Bombardieri

1. First of all, would you tell me about your background, where and how you grew up, what made you started as a composer?

My educational journey is extremely rich and varied, with a strong dedication to music and a constant commitment to improving my skills both as a conductor and a composer. I began my career in a small town in Calabria, under the guidance of Antonio Sersale, who introduced me to the fundamentals of composition at a very young age.

My education at the Conservatory was enriched by advanced clarinet courses with Vincenzo Mariozzi, who provided a solid foundation in the Italian musical tradition. My debut as a band conductor in 2010 marked an important turning point, leading me to study with prominent figures such as Angelo de Paola, Thomas Franschillo, Lino Blanchod, Hardy Mertens, and Francisco Grau Vegara, thus broadening my knowledge of wind band music.

My journey continued with a significant experience as an assistant to Maestro David Crescenzi, which brought me closer to the world of opera and symphonic orchestra. Being selected for an advanced training course in Lithuania, where I worked with Stasys Domarkas, marked another significant step in my career.

From 2016 to 2019, my training at the Accademia Isolana, under the guidance of Francesco Lanzillotta and Bruno Taddia, was crucial in refining my operatic and symphonic repertoire, allowing me to work directly with orchestras and singers. Simultaneously, I studied Composition with Pieralberto Cattaneo at the Conservatory of Bergamo, further honing my skills with Vito Palumbo and Girolamo Deraco.

Finally, under the guidance of Antonino Fogliani from 2021 to 2022, I refined my knowledge of the Rossini and Classical repertoire, focusing on the performance practice of Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven.

My journey highlights continuous growth and a deep passion for music, with training that has led me to become a complete and versatile musician.


2. You have published some wind band works. There are fans of your wind band works in Japan. Would you tell me about what fascinates you about wind band music?

My works for wind band are published in Europe, America, and Asia.
My education began with the wind band, and I owe much to it as a composer and conductor.
Today, it is important to understand music for wind band. Many composers, including myself, write for wind band as a unique entity, not as an emulation of the symphony orchestra. This new approach has allowed us to raise the level and experiment with new sounds.
Unfortunately, some publishers are reluctant to publish innovative and experimental works, even when they are significant. It’s a shame that history has proven the music market wrong when it comes to wind band music.


3. When composing a wind band piece, is there anything you pay special attention to, keep in mind, or have any rules of your own?

When I compose a piece for wind band, or any of my music in general, I focus a lot on the sound, its nature of production, and its shaping. The rules aren’t always the same; I prefer to change them, but not the concept of sound, which remains constant. This is something I care about deeply. The importance of instruments as individual entities and not as mere doublings, and finally, the orchestration and the extended techniques of the instruments.

Within my work, there has been compositional growth. My most recent pieces are structured and built on concepts based on the natural harmonic series to bring me as close as possible to nature – an element I hold dear and have always valued.


4. If you have a piece of your own work that was a turning point in your life as a composer, would you tell me the episode about that work? (This does not have to be a wind band piece)

In 2018, I was still studying composition at the conservatory when my teacher approached me with a competition announcement for a Contemporary Music Festival. He said, “Do you want to participate? There’s only a week left until the deadline.” I immediately accepted the challenge of writing a piece for an ensemble specialized in contemporary music.

It was a race against time – I still remember that there was only one day left before the deadline, and the piece wasn’t finished yet. It was such a tough job, but it paid off with the first prize and the world premiere at the prestigious Festival with my work Minue for Ensemble.

This moment was significant because it opened up a world I hadn’t known before: the world of composition competitions. To date, I have won 12 international competitions with important premieres.

Thank you, Maestro, for believing in me.

5-a. If there are works by other composers or arrangers that have strongly influenced your composition or arrangement, would you tell me about them and how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

During the years I lived in Calabria, I often attended local festivals where traditional Calabrian folk music was performed. On these occasions, some singer-songwriters presented modern versions of songs from the past. My curiosity led me to explore the origins of these songs, creating a personal collection of melodies that reappear in my compositions.

In 2023, the great euphonium player Steven Mead performed the world premiere of one of my pieces titled Calabria, which incorporates these folk songs.


5-b. Apart from the above, would you tell me about any contemporary composers that you are particularly interested in, along with the reasons why?

During my years of study, I was fortunate to browse and study the published scores of Giorgio Battistelli’s works in the Ricordi library (an Italian contemporary composer). I was immediately struck by his sense of theatricality and his masterful use of orchestration as a theatrical tool.

Another composer who has always fascinated me is Toru Takemitsu. His philosophy and attention to detail have greatly influenced my writing.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or what you would like to work on in the future)?

My future goals are focused on promoting and programming the music of contemporary composers as much as possible, bringing well-known names closer to the wind band, and commissioning works to enrich the repertoire, eliminating the low-quality music that still lingers in the band.

In the field of composition, I am working on music with a symphonic sound that incorporates the concepts of nature, symmetry, and spatialization of sound. I have been working on this since 2020, conducting research and experimentation.


7. What advice would you give to young Japanese composers and Japanese students who want to become composers?

The composer never stops learning; they renew themselves and continue to improve through curiosity.
Young composers and students have an important role in the future of music – not just for wind bands, but for all music. Their task is to protect the musical arts and promote beauty, which can only be achieved through serious and diligent study.
I advise not to follow trends or fashions, but to develop a unique identity, a personal language, an ethic, and a philosophy that helps people live better through music.
We composers are builders of beauty, and we must preserve it.

Thank you so much Shuhei Umemoto for this nice initiative

Cosimo Bombardieri


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


その他Wind Band Pressと同じくONSAが運営する各事業もチェックお願いします!

■楽譜出版:Golden Hearts Publications(Amazon Payも使えます)

■オンラインセレクトショップ:WBP Plus!








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